BMW: A Brief Look

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BMW began in 1913 when a company that went by the name of Rapp-Motorenwerke was formed by a person called Karl Rapp. At that time this company was producing engines for aircrafts and soon another company was established in its vicinity that was known as the Bayerische Flugzeugwerke AG that was engaged in producing aircraft. The merger of these two companies in the year 1922 saw the beginning of BMW or Bayerische Motoren Werke.

Aircraft Engines

The early BMW years saw the company being engaged mainly in the production of aircraft engines with a few assorted motorcycle engines too being produced. The symbol of BMW is actually a reminder of the spinning propeller of an aircraft and only in the year 1928 did the company become involved in producing cars which occurred only after the erection of a factory in Eisenach in Thuringia.

The first BMW car was a tiny model known as Dixi though soon the term Dixi was dropped and the next model was called the BMW 3/15 DA-2 which proved to be a real success and it helped to establish the company in the automobile industry. Only much later, in the year 1936 did BMW come up with its 328 roadster that was in its time the most popular sports car. This model was designed by a person called Fritz Fiedler and the car boasted of many innovations including a more aerodynamic body that added to its appeal and subsequent popularity.

However, the company suffered a reverse because of having been involved in producing aircraft for the German air force (during the Second World War) and so for three years following the end of this war, BMW was banned from producing anything. It rejoined the automobile industry in 1949 when it came out with the 250cc motorcycle christened R24.

In 151, BMW introduced a six cylinder spacious sedan that was named the 501 and this in turn led to the introduction of the 502 that had a V8 engine. The sixties saw the successful launch of the 1500 model and that was followed by the 2002 model which later led to the 3 series.

BMW still enjoys a most enviable reputation and in the early nineties the company bought out British Rover Group though only for a short time. Cars produced by BMW are today considered an epitome of speed, style and comfort and the company richly deserves its well earned and envious reputation.

Today, BMW is ensuring that the cars it produces will not pollute the environment and it is hoped that with further innovation, the company will be able to produce cars that will set the trend for future automobiles.

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